Results for 'Georg Graf Wallwttz'

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  1. Strukturelle Probleme in Leibniz'Analysis Situs.Georg Graf Wallwttz - 1991 - Studia Leibnitiana 23 (1):111-118.
    In the first part of this paper the Leibnizian theory of relations is presented as the metaphysical background of his concept of space. The structure of metaphysical space is dominated by the monads while geometrical aspects are neglected. In the second part the paper deals with Leibniz' concept of space in his mathematical works and especially in the Analysis Situs . What emerges is that the attempt to transfer philosophical arguments into mathematical structures fails because of the incompatibility of notions (...)
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    Facillima emendatio: Ad rvfini antiochensis hexametrvm P. 21,9 (d'alessandro) = gl VI 565, 15.Georg Graf V. Gries - 2006 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 150 (1):182-183.
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    Somatosensory Stimulus Intensity Encoding in Borderline Personality Disorder.Kathrin Malejko, Dominik Neff, Rebecca C. Brown, Paul L. Plener, Martina Bonenberger, Birgit Abler, Georg Grön & Heiko Graf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  4. Die Philosophie und Gotteslehre des Jaḥjâ ibn 'Adî und späterer Autoren.Georg Graf - 1910 - Münster,: Aschendorff.
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  5. Die Philosophie und Gotteslehre des Jahj' Ibn 'Adî und späterer Autoren: Skizzen nach meist ungedruckten Quellen.Georg Graf - 1910 - Münster,: Aschendorff.
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    Weimarer Republik und Völkerbund aus der Sicht von Berthold Graf Stauffenberg.Wolfgang Graf Vitzthum - 2009 - In Korinna Schönhärl, Bertram Schefold, Werner Plumpe & Roman Köster (eds.), Das Ideal des Schönen Lebens Und Die Wirklichkeit der Weimarer Republik: Vorstellungen von Staat Und Gemeinschaft Im George-Kreis. Akademie Verlag. pp. 211-234.
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    Puritanische Sektenfreiheit versus lutherische Volkskirche. Zum Einfluß Georg Jellineks auf religionsdiagnostische Deutungsmuster Max Webers und Ernst Troeltschs.Friedrich Wilhelm Graf - 2002 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 9 (1):42-69.
    Heidelberg's intellectual milieu of the early twentieth century can be characterised as a ‘laboratory of the modern age’. Here scholars intensively discussed the crisis of the modern age and in numerous historical and systematic studies attempted to determine the ‘cultural significance’ of religion for modernity. This article takes a look at exemplary aspects of the debates on religion of the jurist Georg Jellinek, the sociologist Max Weber and the Protestant theologian Ernst Troeltsch. Jellinek investigated the significance of religious ideas (...)
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    Graf von Benzel-Sternau und seine „Dichterischen Versuche über Gegenstände der kritischen Philosophie“.Georg Huber - 1906 - Kant Studien 11 (1-3):1-39.
  9.  9
    Views on emotions and order - (A.) bettenworth, (j.) hammerstaedt (edd.) Writing order and emotion. Affect and the structures of power in greek and latin authors. (Spudasmata 188.) Pp. XXIV + 334, ills. Hildesheim, zurich and new York: Georg olms, 2020. Paper, €88. Isbn: 978-3-487-15930-0. [REVIEW]Chiara Graf - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):278-280.
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    Solzhenitsyn.William David Graf (ed.) - 1969 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Georg Lukac's most recent work of literary criticism, on the Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn, hails the Russian author as a major force in redirecting socialist realism toward the level it once occupied in the 1920s when Soviet writers portrayed the turbulent transition to socialist society.In the first essay Lukacs compares the novella One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich to short pieces by "bourgeois" writers Conrad and Hemingway and explains the nature of Solzhenitsyn's criticism of the Stalinist (...)
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    Implicit and explicit memory: An old model for new findings.Peter Graf - 1991 - In William Kessen, Andrew Ortony & Fergus I. M. Craik (eds.), Memories, Thoughts, and Emotions: Essays in Honor of George Mandler. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 135.
  12. Reflective Equilibrium Without Intuitions?Georg Brun - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (2):237-252.
    In moral epistemology, the method of reflective equilibrium is often characterized in terms of intuitions or understood as a method for justifying intuitions. An analysis of reflective equilibrium and current theories of moral intuitions reveals that this picture is problematic. Reflective equilibrium cannot be adequately characterized in terms of intuitions. Although the method presupposes that we have initially credible commitments, it does not presuppose that they are intuitions. Nonetheless, intuitions can enter the process of developing a reflective equilibrium and, if (...)
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    Aufklärung und Skepsis: Studien zur Philsophie und Geistesgeschichte des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts : Günter Gawlick zum 65. Geburtstag.Günter Gawlick - 1995
    Vorwort - O. Bayer: Johann Georg Hamann - Radikaler Aufklarer als Metakritiker - D. Berman: Hume and Collins: Two Ways of Lying Theologically - U. Dierse: Nachtrage zu G. F. Meiers Religionsphilosophie - K. Dusing: Schema und Einbildungskraft in Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft - J. Ecole: Des rapports de l'essence et de l'existence selon Wolff - E. J. Engel: Mendelssohn und Spinoza: Dankesschuld und Rettung - N. Hinske: Die Kritik der reinen Vernunft und der Freiraum des Glaubens. Zur (...)
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  14. Recognizing group cognition.Georg Theiner, Colin Allen & Robert L. Goldstone - 2010 - Cognitive Systems Research 11 (4):378-395.
    In this paper, we approach the idea of group cognition from the perspective of the “extended mind” thesis, as a special case of the more general claim that systems larger than the individual human, but containing that human, are capable of cognition (Clark, 2008; Clark & Chalmers, 1998). Instead of deliberating about “the mark of the cognitive” (Adams & Aizawa, 2008), our discussion of group cognition is tied to particular cognitive capacities. We review recent studies of group problem-solving and group (...)
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    The Epsilon-Reconstruction of Theories and Scientific Structuralism.Georg Schiemer & Norbert Gratzl - 2016 - Erkenntnis 81 (2):407-432.
    Rudolf Carnap’s mature work on the logical reconstruction of scientific theories consists of two components. The first is the elimination of the theoretical vocabulary of a theory in terms of its Ramsification. The second is the reintroduction of the theoretical terms through explicit definitions in a language containing an epsilon operator. This paper investigates Carnap’s epsilon-reconstruction of theories in the context of pure mathematics. The main objective here is twofold: first, to specify the epsilon logic underlying his suggested definition of (...)
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    Kant and the Theory and Practice of International Right.Georg Cavallar - 1999 - University of Wales Press.
    This innovative study focuses on the Kantian theory of international relations, a subject which has frequently been either ignored or misunderstood. Kant was criticized by contemporaries who asserted that his political ideas were idealistic and impractical. He countered this accusation by evolving a political philosophy which formed a link between the theoretical doctrine of pure law and the actualities of the real world. The author argues that Kant’s theory of international relations can be read as an attempt to bring reason (...)
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    Epistemology and Emotions.Georg Brun, Ulvi Doğuoğlu & Dominique Kuenzle (eds.) - 2008 - Ashgate Publishing Company.
    This volume is the first collection focusing on the claim that we cannot but account for emotions if we are to understand the processes and evaluations related to empirical knowledge.
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    Vorlesungen über die Ästhetik.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1971
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  19. Carnap’s early metatheory: scope and limits.Georg Schiemer, Richard Zach & Erich Reck - 2017 - Synthese 194 (1):33-65.
    In Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik and Abriss der Logistik, Carnap attempted to formulate the metatheory of axiomatic theories within a single, fully interpreted type-theoretic framework and to investigate a number of meta-logical notions in it, such as those of model, consequence, consistency, completeness, and decidability. These attempts were largely unsuccessful, also in his own considered judgment. A detailed assessment of Carnap’s attempt shows, nevertheless, that his approach is much less confused and hopeless than it has often been made out to (...)
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  20. Reconstructing Arguments: Formalization and Reflective Equilibrium.Georg Brun - 2014 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 17 (1):94-129.
    Traditional logical reconstruction of arguments aims at assessing the validity of ordinary language arguments. It involves several tasks: extracting argumentations from texts, breaking up complex argumentations into individual arguments, framing arguments in standard form, as well as formalizing arguments and showing their validity with the help of a logical formalism. These tasks are guided by a multitude of partly antagonistic goals, they interact in various feedback loops, and they are intertwined with the development of theories of valid inference and adequate (...)
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    The Young Hegel: Studies in the Relations Between Dialectics and Economics.Georg Lukacs - 1975 - Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
    "If we are to understand not only the direct impact of Marx on the development of German thought but also his sometimes extremely indirect influence, an exact knowledge of Hegel, of both his greatness and his limitation, is absolutely indispensable."- from the preface. It is well known that Hegel exerted a major influence on the development of Marx's thought. This circumstance led Lukács, one of the chief Marxist theoreticians of this century, to embark on his exploration of Hegelian antecedents in (...)
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    When Is CEO Activism Conducive to the Democratic Process?Georg Wernicke & Aurélien Feix - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (4):755-774.
    Activism undertaken by CEOs has been on the rise in recent years. Research on this practice has been primarily concerned with determining the conditions under which a CEO’s public statements on sociopolitical issues are beneficial or detrimental to her firm’s business performance. We complement this instrumental perspective on CEO activism with an ethical investigation of the implications of CEO activism for the democratic process. Drawing on political philosophy, we show that the answer to the question of whether CEO activism is (...)
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    An Eye-Tracking Study of Statistical Reasoning With Tree Diagrams and 2 × 2 Tables.Georg Bruckmaier, Karin Binder, Stefan Krauss & Han-Min Kufner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436373.
    Changing the information format from probabilities into frequencies as well as employing appropriate visualizations such as tree diagrams or 2 × 2 tables are important tools that can facilitate people’s statistical reasoning. Previous studies have shown that despite their widespread use in statistical textbooks, both of those visualization types are only of restricted help when they are provided with probabilities, but that they can foster insight when presented with frequencies instead. In the present study, we attempt to replicate this effect (...)
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    Justificatory Reasons for Action.Georg Spielthenner - 2012 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 8 (2):56-72.
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    Fixed-parameter complexity in AI and nonmonotonic reasoning.Georg Gottlob, Francesco Scarcello & Martha Sideri - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 138 (1-2):55-86.
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    Andreas Anter: Theorien der Macht.Georg Zenkert - 2014 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 67 (1):057-062.
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    El saber práctico y la vida teorética. Sobre el concepto aristotélico de acción.Georg Zenkert - 1995 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 12:151-172.
    Existe una conexión interna de teoría y praxis que se pone de manifiesto en la acción. Ésta no es el resultado de un traspaso dialéctico de un determinado saber a un actuar cualquiera, sino un movimiento que implica un saber que, en sí mismo, es práctico, por cuanto contiene de suyo el momento de la ejecución del fin que se propone. Vida teorética y vida práctica no constituyen una alternativa, sino una gradación: en ello consiste el Ethos de la acción (...)
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    Entscheidung und Macht. Kondylis als Kritiker des Normativismus.Georg Zenkert - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (3):383-396.
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    Mensch ohne Bild. Grenzen der Bestimmung des Unbestimmten.Georg Zenkert - 2009 - In Andreas Hetzel (ed.), Negativität Und Unbestimmtheit: Beiträge Zu Einer Philosophie des Nichtwissens. Festschrift Für Gerhard Gamm. Transcript Verlag. pp. 155-168.
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    Towards unraveling the complexity of T cell signal transduction.Georg Zenner, Jan Dirk zur Hausen, Paul Burn & Tomas Mustelin - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (11):967-975.
    Activation of resting T lymphocytes through the T cell antigen receptor complex is initiated by critical phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events that regulate the function and interaction of a number of signaling molecules. Key elements in these reactions are members of the Src, Syk and Csk families of protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) and the phosphotyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) that regulate and/or counteract them, such as CD45. The PTKs can autophosphorylate and phosphorylate each other at multiple sites and, as the result of these (...)
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    Neuro-philosophy and the healthy mind: learning from the unwell brain.Georg Northoff - 2015 - New York: W.W. Norton & Company.
    Loss of consciousness -- Consciousness -- Self -- Depression and the mind-brain problem -- Feeling the world -- World-brain disruption in schizophrenia -- Identity and time.
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    Unlocking the Brain: Volume 1: Coding.Georg Northoff (ed.) - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    What makes our brain a brain? This is the central question posited in Unlocking the Brain. By providing a fascinating venture into different territories of neuroscience, psychiatry, and philosophy, the author takes a novel exploration of the brain's resting state in the context of the neural code, and its ability to yield consciousness.
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    The Global Compact Selected Experiences and Reflections.Georg Kell - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (1-2):69-79.
    In this paper, the Executive Head of the Global Compact shares some of his own reflections on the evolution of the Global Compact initiative – United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s voluntary corporate citizenship initiative in the area of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption. Two main themes are addressed. The first considers the Global Compact’s institutional context, examining how such an initiative is even possible in the historically hierarchical and traditionally business-unfriendly UN. The second concerns the voluntary nature of (...)
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    Sociology: Inquiries into the Construction of Social Forms.Georg Simmel (ed.) - 2009 - BRILL.
    Georg Simmel developed a "form" method for the newly revived field of sociology, drawing on the subjectivity/objectivity dialectic. While his book's organization differs from that of contemporary texts, his method remains implicit in the field to this day.
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    Heraklit, seine gestalt und sein künden.Georg E. Burckhardt - 1925 - Zürich,: Orell Füssli.
    In diesem Buch beschreibt Georg Burckhardt die Philosophie von Heraklit. Heraklit gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vorsokratiker und seine Philosophie hatte großen Einfluss auf die Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften der Antike. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and (...)
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    Hegel's Philosophy of mind: being part three of the 'Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences' (1830).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1971 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
    Hegel is an immensely important yet difficult philosopher. His Philosophy of Mind is one of the main pillars of his thought. Michael Inwood, highly respected for his previous work on Hegel, presents this central work to the modern reader in an accurate new translation supported by a philosophically sophisticated editorial introduction and elucidating scholarly commentary.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Arnold V. Miller & Karl Ludwig Michelet.
    This is a much-needed reissue of the standard English translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, originally published in 1970. The Philosophy of Nature is the second part of Hegel's Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, all of which is now available in English from OUP (Part I being his Logic, Part III being his Philosophy of Mind). Hegel's aim in this work is to interpret the varied phenomena of Nature from the standpoint of a dialectical logic. Those who still think of (...)
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    (1 other version)Cosmopolitanisms in Kant’s philosophy.Georg Cavallar - 2012 - Ethics and Global Politics 5 (2):95-118.
    Interpretations of Kant usually focus on his legal or political cosmopolitanism, a cluster of ideas revolving around perpetual peace, an international organisation, the reform of international law, and what Kant has termed cosmopolitan law or the law of world citizens. In this essay, I argue that there are different cosmopolitanisms in Kant, and focus on the relationship among political, legal or juridical, moral and ethico-theological cosmopolitanisms. I claim that these form part of a comprehensive system and are fully compatible with (...)
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    Lectures on the philosophy of world history: introduction, reason in history.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1975 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An English translation of Hegel's introduction to his lectures on the philosophy of history, based directly on the standard German edition by Johannes Hoffmeister, first published in 1955. The previous English translation, by J. Sibree, first appeared in 1857 and was based on the defective German edition of Karl Hegel, to which Hoffmeister's edition added a large amount of new material previously unknown to English readers, derived from earlier editors. In the introduction to his lectures, Hegel lays down the principles (...)
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    (1 other version)Hilbert's programme.Georg Kreisel - 1958 - Dialectica 12 (3‐4):346-372.
    Hilbert's plan for understanding the concept of infinity required the elimination of non‐finitist machinery from proofs of finitist assertions. The failure of the original plan leads to a hierarchy of progressively less elementary, but still constructive methods instead of finitist ones . A mathematical proof of this failure requires a definition of « finitist ».—The paper sketches the three principal methods for the syntactic analysis of non‐constructive mathematics, the resulting consistency proofs and constructive interpretations, modelled on Herbrand's theorem, and their (...)
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  41. Philosophy of the Brain: The Brain Problem.Georg Northoff (ed.) - 2004 - John Benjamins.
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    Xenophanes von Kolophon.Georg Wöhrle & Benedikt Strobel (eds.) - 2018 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Der vorliegende Band dient dem Ziel, möglichst sämtliche Zeugnisse über Xenophanes von Kolophon aus antiker und mittelalterlicher Zeit zu versammeln und damit erstmals einen umfassenden Zugang zur antiken und mittelalterlichen Rezeption des bedeutenden vorsokratischen Philosophen zu ermöglichen. Den editorischen Prinzipien der beiden Vorgängerbände folgend werden zum einen die Zeugnisse zusammen mit einer deutschen Übersetzung in chronologischer Abfolge und unter Berücksichtigung der syrisch-arabischen Überlieferung abgedruckt; zum anderen die Themen der Xenophanes-Rezeption in Antike und Mittelalter mithilfe eines sog. Similienapparats erschlossen. Der Similienapparat (...)
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    How is Society Possible?Georg Simmel - 1910 - American Journal of Sociology 16 (3):372-391.
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    Psychoanalytische Wissenschaftspolitik mit Zeitschriften: Zur Entstehungsgeschichte des »International Journal of ­Psychoanalysis«.Georg Bruns - 2020 - Psyche 74 (8):549-576.
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    Writing in Mind. Introduction to the Special Issue on “Language, Literacy, and Media Theory: Exploring the Cultural History of the Extended Mind”.Georg Theiner - 2013 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (2):15-29.
    Proponents of the “literacy” thesis share with proponents of the “extended mind” thesis the viewpoint that communication systems such as language or writing have cognitive implications that go beyond their purely social and communicative purposes. Conceiving of media as extensions of the mind thus has the potential to bring together and cross-fertilize research programs that are currently placed in distant corners of the study of mind, language, and society. In this issue, we bring together authors with a diverse set of (...)
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    Ökonomisierung im Gesundheitswesen als organisationsethische Herausforderung.Georg Marckmann - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (2):189-201.
    Der finanzielle Druck auf die Krankenhäuser in Deutschland führt zu einer Ökonomisierung medizinischer Entscheidungen, die die Qualität der Patientenversorgung beeinträchtigt und das Gesundheitspersonal erheblich belastet. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten ein organisationsethischer Ansatz bietet, den Herausforderungen durch die Ökonomisierung zu begegnen. Ausgewählte empirische Befunde sollen zunächst verdeutlichen, welche Auswirkungen die Ökonomisierung auf die Patientenversorgung und das Personal in den Krankenhäusern hat. Zudem liefern sie erste Hinweise auf mögliche Handlungsspielräume für die Krankenhäuser. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Ökonomisierung einen organisationsethischen (...)
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  47. Brain imaging of the self–Conceptual, anatomical and methodological issues.Georg Northoff, Pengmin Qin & Todd E. Feinberg - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (1):52–63.
    In this paper we consider two major issues: conceptual–experimental approaches to the self, and the neuroanatomical substrate of the self. We distinguish content- and processed-based concepts of the self that entail different experimental strategies, and anatomically, we investigate the concept of midline structures in further detail and present a novel view on the anatomy of an integrated subcortical–cortical midline system. Presenting meta-analytic evidence, we show that the anterior paralimbic, e.g. midline, regions do indeed seem to be specific for self-specific stimuli. (...)
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    The Rights of Strangers: Theories of International Hospitality, the Global Community, and Political Justice Since Vitoria.Georg Cavallar - 2002 - Routledge.
  49. Church's thesis and the ideal of informal rigour.Georg Kreisel - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (4):499-519.
  50.  19
    Is There a Logic of Norms?Georg Henrik Wrighvont - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (3):265-283.
    Abstract.If norms are neither true nor false, can logical relations such as contradiction and entailment obtain between them? Earlier logical positivists and also Hans Kelsen in his later years have answered the question with No. While appreciating the seriousness of the problem, the author of the present paper makes a fresh attempt to answer the question with Yes. His answer presupposes that norms can be judged from the point of view of their rationality. The deontic loic or logic of norms (...)
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